Link for presentation @ http://wellenstan.blogspot.com/2011/04/es2007s-recyclists-project-presentation.html (thanks wellens!)
In general I felt the presentation was really an improvement as compared to when we practiced it the day before. I was not able to speak fluently at all and kept fumbling during the practice and it was really a mess as I recalled. However a lot of practice and familiarity really make a huge difference when it comes to presentations as I felt I improved as compared to my peer teaching in terms of fumbling lesser and longer eye contact.
Personally I really like our slides and that there are many pictures and minimal words that make the audience concentrate on the speaker as opposed to staring at the screen. We were actually helped by Hwee Teng's group on how to present our slides and the suggestions really helped! Thanks :D
As for non-verbal cues, I had feedbacks from both my team mates as well as other helpful people in the class that I tend to roll and close my eyes when I try to recall what I have to say during presentations. I tried my best to minimize this weird sub-conscious movement and I hope I did not do that (or at least not that much) during this presentation!
That being said, I still fumbled for a while during my presentation and that could be improved through more practice and maybe being less nervous throughout the presentation. Plus I should minimize my use of "erm" in my Q&A, as pointed out by Greg and Jake. I was actually surprised by myself and how many times I used "erm"! Once again I guess that is another thing that I do without myself noticing.
Hi Zoe,
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! Classmates should always help one another isn't it? I've always like doing up presentation slides as well! :D
By the way, I think you've really improved tremendously since the peer teaching presentation. You definitely fumbled much less during this oral presentation, though it was still evident at a point of time. More practices and exposure might be able to solve the problem.
Eye contact and gestures were adequate and not excessive. All in all, good job for the presentation! :D
Hwee Teng
Hey Zoe,
ReplyDeleteI agree with Hwee Teng in that you've really improved since your peer teaching days! While I could still tell that you're nervous, it was definitely a lot less than than you were during peer teaching, where you hesitated a lot.
Your eye contact was appropriate, and generally you had good control of your content. It was a good presentation!
Hey Zoe, apart from the negative points like rolling eyes and 'ums', I think you were the best presenter out of your classmates in every group in terms of elocution---enunciation and articulation. Sadly, nobody was able to see what I see, but that is what I bring to ES2007s I guess, I bring a different, unique dimension. And of course our classmates bring their own 'views' of the world to ES2007s too, and what is good and what isn't good in terms of presentation.
ReplyDeleteBut truly, your elocution was relatively fantastic and I wrote all that in my blog on acing presentations, though your volume and inflection would need more improvement and work upon.
Other than that because of your good elocution, I sensed a level of power and energy and passion in your presentation I can detect in nobody else in class as yet, because elocution, for me, is intertwined with enthusiasm, energy, persuasion, and confidence. And that is why I thought you were more confident than anybody else in class I've ever seen, because of your good elocution.
Your eye contact was just as good as everyone as well.
Overall, you had negative points, but whenever you had positive points, they were really really really good, and I all classmates to look into you!
Hey Zoe!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the presentation being over! (= I just have one thing to say:
I don't know if anyone noticed, but when your group mates were presenting, you were sitting down and very attentively nodding your head, which would have been very reassuring for your group members, if they were watching you. I was really amazed at how that struck me (= I wish all of us were like you!
hey zoe!
ReplyDeleteyup I noticed that too, I like how you gave your full attention when your team mates are presenting, nodding your head to give assurance to them. other than that, you had good eye contact and great voice projection! gestures were appropriate and not too distracting as well. I guess the only weakness is your 'um's,heheh..and nope there wasn't any weird subconscious eye rolling during the presentation, so no worries!
Hi Zoe! :)
ReplyDeleteI liked your grp's proposal and ppt slides! Nice! (Thumbs up) :D
Your team demonstrated good team coordination as well. The transition was smooth in between speakers and the Q&A was handled pretty well.
Btw, i think you did a good job for your presentation. Clear and good hand gestures at the start. However, towards the middle of your presentation, i realised that you fumbled a bit and the "uhm" tendency appears. Nervousness right? and yeps, rehearse, rehearse and rehearse. thats the biggest take away for myself and i believe its applicable to u too! :)
cyn :D